“I’m Not Into The Holidays This Year At All”

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“I’m Not Into The Holidays This Year At All”
Oscar Wong/Moment/Getty Images

The holidays bring a lot of joy, a lot of love, and a lot of magic — but they can also bring a lot of stress. From extended family gatherings to in-laws going against all of your boundaries, so much can give you the ick this time of year. Moms are anonymously confessing their deepest worries and fears during this season, from fretting over finances to feeling like the holiday spirit just isn’t there… no matter how hard they try.

But these Scary Mommy Confessions prove that no mom feeling guilty about Santa, sex with their partner, or the mental load of the holidays is alone. Pour you a (spiked?) mug of eggnog, put whatever you want on the television (no Elf if you don’t want it), and take a breath. We’re going to make it through.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.

Disclaimer: This story has not been edited by us and is published as shown on Scary Mommy.

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